Super Directory is a script for webmasters that own or intend to own a
multi-category TGP. It's unique features make Super Directory the
best and only tool you will ever need. All it's output is based on templates which you can easily edit through the user friendly administration area.
We know the fact that starting a TGP is hard especially when you don't have enough galleries to populate your site. This is why Super Directory comes with it's very own gallery spider who will harvest galleries for you in a record time.
Super Directory is written in PHP with a MySQL database.
The script output is plain html files which are created on-the-fly each day or how
frequent you setup that to happen so you will not have to worry about server overload.
Read on to see all the features of Super Directory
but it's better to see SD in action. Contact me on ICQ
to get all the info you need. ICQ # 248265709 
Click here to see Screenshots of Super Directory
Start your TGP in 3 easy steps:
1. Setup SD and add the categories and your hosted galleries;
2. Spider other sites or your own archieve for normal galleries;
3. Create the categories ... and you're done.
...setup the cronjob and you don't have to worry about Super Directory anymore. It will update itself and your site will be up-to-date every day.
Username and Password protected administration area;
Unlimited number of categories;
Up to 3 synonyms for each category which make the harvest more productive;
Support for Amateur+Asian+Teen type categories;
Customizable gallery line template;
Customizable gallery break-line template;
Customizable hosted gallery line template;
Unlimited randomizable files;
Simple category template
editing tool that can apply for one or all categories;
Spider galleries for pictures/movies with filter possibility for niche sites;
Hosted galleries Import and Export feature;
Hosted galleries management;
Manage your own sponsors;
Site search module;
Domain banning;
Output folders configuration;
Output files extension configuration;
Maximum galleries per category configuration;
Support for "nextpage" feature;
Gallery submitting module;
Add/delete/edit submitters accounts;
Submitters status (pending, blacklisted, regular submitter, partner submitter);
Easy to use
mailing system for one or all submitters;
Rules configuration for the gallery submitting module;
Gallery review script for submitted galleries;
Gallery review script for hosted
acquired galleries;
Cron job so you can relax and have your TGP up to date without looking over it everyday.
Super Directory requires PHP 4.4.x and MySQL! That's all!
If you want to see a demo of the script - please
request one. Send an e-mail to
Click here to access the Super
Directory Forum.
Here's how a site based ONLY on Super Directory looks like:
http://www.xxx-attack.com. To view the list of sites currently using Super Directory click
A license for 1 domain = $200. First time installation is FREE!
Upgrade to latest version fee is $50. Small updates are FREE!
Server move fee is $50. (includes reinstallation and upgrade to latest version)
The ownership transfer fee is $50. (includes upgrade to latest version and server move if required)
All payments can be made through